Training for the future

By C.A. Lawton | September 14, 2018
Lawton Training Future

In partnership with Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC), The C.A. Lawton Co. was recently awarded a Workforce Advancement Training (WAT) grant.

WAT grants provide funds from the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS). They are aimed at developing workers, improving productivity and competitiveness and expanding the partnerships between Wisconsin’s technical colleges and businesses.

Grants are awarded to upgrade the skills and productivity of employees of established businesses operating in Wisconsin, with the additional objective of supporting regional workforce and economic development efforts. Training under these grants focus on occupational skills, but can include a combination of occupational, academic and employability topics or courses.

The C.A. Lawton Co. is working with the Corporate Training & Economic Development (CTED) department of NWTC to develop training on ten topics. These courses include Frontline Leadership, Lean Green Belt, computer skills, safety, welding, and other professional consulting.

The training will provide a total of 1,600 hours of learning to approximately 40 employees and will take place between now and June 30, 2019.