What is a good catch?

What is it? Foundry experts explain that a good catch program is a proactive way of increasing safety awareness at a plant. It allows everyone to be engaged and be more safety conscious at all times.  The result of a good catch is to point out any safety concerns that can be addressed quickly and…

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Remarkable people and one-on-one meetings

Lawton Remarkable

By: Lori Goemans I was recently having a conversation with a family member about “business-ey” type stuff.  In the course of the conversation, I mentioned that supervisors are expected to have a 30-minute one-on-one meeting with each of their direct employees.  Every week.  It’s so important to Lawton that we structured our organization to limit…

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Executive Edge Winners Announced!

Executive Edge

Prevea Health, in partnership with Western Racquet & Fitness Club, sponsored their first ever team edition of Executive Edge.  Fifteen Green Bay area teams participated in the wellness challenge to improve their biometric score and earn points by participating in healthy activities. Eight employees from The C.A. Lawton Co. formed 2 teams to participate in…

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