Welcome to the new Lawton website

Welcome to The C. A. Lawton Co.’s new website. When we began this project, we realized that we wanted a website that would fully connect with our remarkable customers and employees. Our goal was to demonstrate what we have to offer and present a true depiction of our company. We are proud to unveil that to you today.
Some highlights to look for:
WHO WE ARE shares Lawton’s rich history and the faces of some of the key people in our organization.
WHAT WE DO highlights our machining, engineering, pattern and iron casting departments, and the value that we offer to our customers.
HOW WE DO IT features more about our remarkable team here at Lawton. It is through our hardworking people - who contribute new ideas daily - that we’re able to successfully fulfill the needs of our customers.
CAREERS connects with hardworking people who want to share their new ideas and reap the benefits of becoming part of our family.
BLOG provides much more detail about our company, our employees, our commitment to continuous improvement and the benefits we offer to our customers and the industry.
Thank you for visiting our website. As with all aspects of our company, we plan to continuously improve this website. Please check it out and explore what we have to offer.