Lawton’s transformation journey gets major industry attention

By C.A. Lawton | January 17, 2019
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During the last two years, The C.A. Lawton Co. has gone through tremendous changes on its transformational journey. We’ve chronicled numerous aspects of that evolution on this blog. But recently, we told our story on a bigger stage: The pages of Modern Casting magazine, a publication of the American Foundry Society (AFS).

Lawton is featured on the cover of this well-respected trade magazine’s January issue. The article quotes CEO Alex Lawton and Chief Operating Officer Barry Adamski extensively, as they describe the reasons behind the company’s transformation journey, its progress so far, challenges along the way and what’s next.

“The editor did an excellent job of telling our multi-faceted story and sharing our vision for the future,” Alex Lawton explains. “Our hope is that this article in a trusted trade publication will influence new manufacturers to consider us for their large casting needs.”

Modern Casting is read by over 15,000 of the most active, innovative and forward-thinking leaders in the North American foundry industry.