The C.A. Lawton Co. obtains ISO 14001 Certification and Green Tier 2 Designation

The C.A. Lawton Co. (Lawton) is proud to announce achievement of Green Tier 2 and ISO 14001 designations. These programs, which grew out of the long standing Beyond Compliance initiative, demonstrate the firm’s commitment to the sustainability portion of the “Planet, People, then Profits” ideal which rolled out in early 2020. Lawton is the first foundry in Wisconsin to obtain Green Tier 2 status.
The Green Tier 2 program allows an organization committed to superior environmental performance to be recognized by both the regulatory agencies as well as the general public. The designation rewards the organization with an opportunity for a simplified air pollution permit designed specifically for Green Tier 2 businesses. Lawton expects to be the first of its classification to earn the new style permit. The designation also indicates a closer working relationship between the participant organization and the regulatory agency overseeing the industry while sharing a stakeholder interest with Local Interested Parties.
A major requirement for obtaining the Green Tier 2 designation is to obtain ISO 14001 level designation. The C.A. Lawton Co. completed its designation to the 2015 standard. This designation is a credentialing that the correct things are being done to maintain compliance rather than just being inspected for compliance. As CEO Alex Lawton puts it, “It is the missing link between wanting to do the right thing for the environment and actually accomplishing it long term. It is a robust process that can be likened to quality manufacturing. Instead of just inspecting products to catch defects, you correct the process to prevent the defects from occurring in the first place.”
Lawton continues, “Besides demonstrating our commitment to sustainability, this designation is a further demonstration of our organization’s competence to process adherence in an industry that does not always do a good job demonstrating this capability.”
Steve Perks, Compliance Manager at The C.A. Lawton Co. looks at this as another step in reaching the goal of the “PLANET, PEOPLE, then PROFIT” ideal. “The 14001 designation is part of the PLANET. Next will be the ISO 45000 designation. This will raise the bar on the already exemplary safety program to the highest level in that area. That will be part of the PEOPLE portion of the ideal.”
As Alex Lawton concluded, “Every business has an obligation to run their operation as progressively and with as much sophistication as possible. ISO Certifications alone may not be sufficient to achieving our ideals, but we believe them to be a necessary ingredient.”
Another example of REMARKABLE PEOPLE, REMARKABLE RESULTS from The C.A. Lawton Co.