Lawton and Temperform sales meeting is a success

By C.A. Lawton | March 4, 2020
pattern blog (4)

On February 12, 2020, key members of Lawton and Temperform teams met at the C.A. Lawton Co. to get better acquainted and plan how to serve their customers best. The day started with introductions and orientations, including a safety discussion.

Then the group discussed each location’s capabilities and how they complement each other. They also enjoyed a foundry tour. After lunch, they took a deep dive into how to serve their newly expanded customer base. Here are just a few of the benefits to customers that this new specialty metals platform will provide: 

Much more comprehensive coverage of customer requests! Previously, the customer may have had to contact multiple vendors, now one call to the specialty metals platform can accomplish both. As the platform expands, more capabilities will be available to the customer with just one call. 

Access to additional supply sources without adding vendors! The purchasing function is simplified.

Cross-training will offer the customer base additional information on how to source from other platform members. Rather than searching for answers to threshold questions, member representatives can obtain the information to facilitate moving a project through initial steps of the process more quickly.

Customers can work with a sales representative they already know! Each sales professional can help customers to start a new project or find alternative sourcing they may not have otherwise considered.

Sourcing professionals will be better resources to their organization through improved access offered by the platform. This will aid in furthering projects within the customer’s organization, allowing the sourcing professional and their superiors to move resources to more adequately fit individual projects.

To find out how our enhanced capabilities can better serve you, call us today!