Labor Day: Time to recognize the achievements of American workers

One of the things that makes America truly unique is our workers. Tireless, dedicated and reliable, they are the backbone of its economy.
On September 3rd, Labor Day, we pay tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our great country. A vital labor force brings us closer to our realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy.
It’s not only fitting, but absolutely critical to recognize and celebrate the hard work that established this country. By doing so, we recommit ourselves to defending the liberties we cherish. These include the freedom to choose work that fulfills us, to live and worship as we wish and to support the basic freedoms of our fellow citizens.
Within The C.A. Lawton Co., we recognize that our workers are the most important ingredient in our current and future success. One-on-ones, feedback and talking about our future together is how we serve our customers successfully. We will succeed together – both as a company and as a country – by focusing upon what unites and strengthens us, not what divides and weakens us.
All hail to the American worker, the maintainer of our way of life.
Happy Labor Day.